Oct 2023 - Present
May 2022 - August 2022
Sept 2021 - May 2023
Jan 2021 - August 2021
Sept 2019 - March 2021
Java, Python, Unix, Git, GitHub, Postman, ESLint, Webpack
JavaScript, Typescript, REST APIs, GraphQL, Ant Design, Docker, AWS
React, Vue, Nuxt.js, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Django, Drupal
SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Relational Databases, MongoDB
Featured Project
Movie App: A Nuxt.js web app that shows real-time trending movies & tv shows across genres with ratings.
Featured Project
A user-friendly web application in Django that provides non-technical users with access to community-curated project-based tutorials for learning programming languages & tools.
Featured Project
Full stack Django application displaying company’s products & services, that could be searched, ordered, filtered & sorted based on user preferences.
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